Sunday, March 28, 2010


Since it has been forever and a year since I have updated over here I thought it might be in order. Everyone is napping. The house is quiet. And I will seize any opportunity to avoid laundry :)

Life has been slightly chaotic but overall wonderful around here lately. My work life has been stressful, busy, sometimes draining. But, I am trying my best to put up better boundaries and not work myself to death. (Friday was not a good example. 12 hour day. Ugh....slow process I guess.) Debate season is never my favorite. However, Chris has been doing an amazing job with his Debaters. Made a great showing at state and they get to move on to Nationals!! This has either never happened or it has been a really long time, I don't remember, but either way I am insanely proud of him and happy that all of the hundreds of hours he has logged outside of school are paying off. Remind me how proud I am when he is gone for Nationals the week of Abby's birthday and our Anniversary.

My sweet Abby is wonderful as always. Despite being a typical almost 2 year old with very typical tantrums and terrible two-ness going on, she is seriously one of the most easy going sweet baby girls I have ever met. Evidence of this was our trip to Chicago. Girlfriend loved and adored all of the new people she met, showed off all of her tricks, and even left some marveling at our incredible parenting skills. (Heheheh...way to go, Boo!) I am in amazement of the little lady she is becoming and she leaves us constantly entertained and rolling on the floor laughing.

The highlights:
-She loves to sing. LOVES. Her favorites include Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle, any song with an animal really, and, most recently, Baby Beluga. She sang her ABC's up to M the other day. (Maybe this is typical behavior, but holy cow I was convinced this was genius material!) She loves the jump up and down song and doesn't ever need an excuse to dance around like crazy. She also has started making up her own words to her favorite tunes. The apple does not fall far from the tree(s). :)

-Many mornings I wake up with Abby sleeping next to me. (We start her in her bed. She usually ends up in ours. I am more than ok with this co-sleeping arrangement and while I realize it is not for everybody, I can't imagine our life without it!) Whenever she sees us for the first time in the morning she will tell us "hiiiii" in her sweetest little baby voice. "Hiiiiii Mommy. Hiiiiiii Daddy. Hiiiiii Fifi." The cuteness really doesn't translate to print. But rest assured people, this is heart melting material right here. I've started hearing her say it through the door at school now too when she spots me. So stinking cute.

-In general, she has just really starting communicating more. Leading to an obsession with pointing out trash, and puppies, screaming "TOUCHDOWN" regardless of the sport on TV, and talking on her phone all the time. The other day Daddy called on his way home from work and they had a full on conversation his whole way home.

-She has started to take a huge interest in her baby dolls and stuffed animals. She walks around the house rocking them, patting their backs, pretending to change their diapers. Such a little nurturer. And she is still over the moon with her play kitchen and busily cooks up gourmet meals, often times for Sophie (Fifi), but Mommy and Daddy usually get some too.

-She loves to read. Sometimes the same book 12 times, but hey-can't argue with that! She loves to snuggle. She loves to run around and play outside. Overall she just loves life and it makes me so very happy!

It is incredible how fast time has gone by and almost inconceivable that she will be turning 2 in just a few short months. Oy!

In other news, Chris and I have both registered for the 3 Day this November! More to come, but I am so excited to share this experience with him!

And that's all for now. Still catching up from our week in Chicago. And still wishing we lived there. BUT thankful for all of our many blessings and thankful for an incredible husband to enjoy the ride with!

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