Tuesday, December 30, 2008

6 month letter

Dear Abby,

You are 6 months old now, and oh how things have changed since the last time I wrote you! You are quickly growing out of the "baby" stage and moving right into being your own little person. You are happy. You are smart. You are so strong willed. (You can blame your Mommy for that one.) You are moments away from crawling. (Although rolling, scooting, and army crawling are getting you everywhere you want to be, which usually means everywhere Mommy and Daddy don't want you to be.) You are beautiful. Seriously, so beautiful. Your big blue eyes and huge gummy smile melt your Daddy's heart every time.

Things you love:

-Sophie. And Sophie loves you...most of the time. You think it is funny to grab her and pull her close to you and then you kick your legs because you are so excited. Sophie does not always think this is a fun game, but she'll learn.

-And dog toys. Anything that Sophie has had in her mouth you would like in your mouth. Which is gross. But it is probably the highest compliment you could pay to that dog of yours.

-Daddy. Ok, you really love your Mommy too. But, you are still a Daddy's girl. Your favorite part of the day is seeing Daddy walk through the door when he gets home from work. He always has a funny face for you and you always give him the sweet smile, the one you smile just for him.

-Uncle Drew. You celebrated your first Christmas in Chicago. And out of all of the family members you spent time with Uncle Drew was by far your favorite. You love to pull his beard and man does he make silly faces. Uncle Drew has never really liked babies before, but you have definitely stolen his heart.

-Kindermusik. We just finished our first class together- Sign and Sing. You haven't mastered any of the sign language yet, but you sure did have fun learning. You were the youngest in the class and the only girl, which didn't bother you at all. You love to sing. You love to dance. And you love to be the center of attention.

We love you more every day and constantly wonder what you will be like when you grow up. Will you play piano with those beautiful long fingers? Will you be a singer like Mommy and Daddy? Will you ever grow hair?? :) Whatever the future holds I hope you always remember how very proud I am of you and how very thankful I am to be your Mommy.

I love you, Peanut!


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